You heard it right‼️ Snow got FINALLY adopted.
After posting about Snow many times over THREE years, and no one wanting to adopt this beauty; FINALLY the dream came true.
The duchess is now living with her mother and her brother @doggobailey24 in Canada.
Thank you @marwahussein84 for helping us with Snow’s trip.
it was honestly worth the wait. Snow is in the best home ever.
She fit in immediately.
We met Snow’s mother when she volunteered to take Zeus with her to Montreal🥰
We are extremely happy for Snow and we wish the same happy ending for her kids: Leo, Geo, Marley & Man’ouché.
We are also so happy that our family is growing♥️
By the way Snow has her own instagram account. Make sure to follow her journey🥰 @the.princess.snow
Enjoy the snow duchess♥️