
  • Pet Name:Leo
  • Type:Cat
  • Sex:Male
  • Age:Adult
  • Size:Small
  • Color(s):White
  • Description:Leo is a very cute cat, he was born at APC, along with 5 other siblings. He is calm, but he tends to be independent and cuddles whenever he feels like it. Leo is very intelligent and will put on a full show whenever he is offered treats.
    He is healthy, FIV negative, neutered and fully vaccinated. However, he inherited a genetic condition from his mother, Snow, causing him to have an immunity deficiency. Once or twice a year, he will get an allergy on a random area on his head, which will become red and itchy, until it is treated with Betadine and Fucidin, preventing it from turning into a growing wound.
  • Notes:This cat is fostered in France. You will not find him at APC. If you would like to adopt him, please contact Kitties in Paris (