
  • Pet Name:Rio
  • Type:Cat
  • Sex:Male
  • Age:Adult
  • Size:Small
  • Color(s):White and Orange
  • Description:Rio was rescued from the Sodeco area in Beirut, he was skin and bones and very dirty; his coat was covered in engine oil and looked completely black.
    He is an adorable, very smart and handsome lap cat who would make any pet parent happy. He is extremely cuddly and playful and is very comfortable around people.
    Due to acute pneumonia, Rio was hospitalized for 4 months. He is FIV positive with no signs of sickness, which means that he has low immunity and cannot live in a shelter surrounded by other cats because he might get very sick easily. FIV is a disease that can be passed from an infected cat to another through a deep bite wound.
    Otherwise, Rio is healthy, fully vaccinated and neutered.
  • Notes:This cat is fostered in Canada. You will not find him at APC. If you would like to adopt him, please contact the Pussy Patrol (