We just miss himโ€ฆ It is still hard but thatโ€™s life๐ŸŒˆ The day that Stormy left was the day we rescued Rainbow. Stormy sent us this beautiful girl so we can save her from a deadly fate. Not only Rainbow was caged all the time, she is three-legged (same amputated leg as Stormy). Her amputation was not well performed and it needs to be fixed. Stitches are still hanging as well (same when Stormy was found). In addition Rainbow is suffering from a deadly parasite called Trichomonas. It is seen in her heavy diarrhoea. Rainbow is now isolated and has a treatment for 10 days. She could have died in this cage๐ŸŒˆ Rainbow is now safe Stormy. Thank you for this special giftโ™ฅ๏ธ