Sky is an old rescue and one of the toughest cases weโ€™ve ever had. He was shot multiple times all over his face and body, and one of the pellets hit his eye, leaving his vision weak. His injuries didnโ€™t stop thereโ€”Skyโ€™s skin was severely mutilated, making it impossible for it to heal on its own.

To save him, we had to perform multiple flap surgeriesโ€”this means we took healthy skin from another part of his body and used it to cover the damaged areas so they could heal. Sky had four of these surgeries because all four of his legs were affected. He also had to wear a cone for two years to protect his wounds. It became a part of him.

It took three years for Sky to finally trust us, to believe that we wouldnโ€™t hurt him, that no one would shoot him or harm him again. And now?
Sky is the sweetest, most affectionate cat at the shelter. When visitors come, he rushes forward, screaming for petting. He loves humans again. He is finally happy and healthy.

Recently, we noticed a white spot in his eye that wasnโ€™t there before. The ophthalmologist confirmed itโ€™s from the pelletโ€”it healed like a scar inside his pupil. An X-ray showed multiple pellets still in his face, and an echo to his eyes confirmed his vision is weak due to human cruelty. Because we had to sedate him, we couldnโ€™t fully confirm if he is blind in one eye or just has weak vision.

Sky has survived so much, but he still has no adoption applications. He deserves a loving home. He can travel anywhere in the world, and all his papers are ready.

Sky is a fighter. Sky is a survivor. Sky is amazing. And he is also handsome. He loves humans again, despite everything he has been through.

Please consider fostering or adopting him. He has fought so hard for his lifeโ€”now he deserves a family who will love him forever.

Would you be that person for Sky? โค๏ธ