Tilda, a senior golden, was thrown in Karantina, a dangerous place for a house dog. The dogs there, though affectionate with humans, live in packs and do not tolerate outsiders.

Somehow, Tilda survived on the streets of Karantina for nearly three weeksโ€”a miracle considering her age and condition. People in the area told us she was being chased constantly, unable to defend herself.

Her blood tests came back surprisingly good, and thankfully, she has no parasites. However, her teeth were in terrible condition, and she was bleeding from her vagina. At first, we thought she was in heat, which would have delayed her spaying. After testing the blood, it turned out her bleeding was caused by trauma, likely from being attacked by a male dog trying to mate with her.

Before her surgery, she was bathed and groomed. The vet had to extract nine of her damaged teeth.

How could anyone abandon a senior dog, 9 to 10 years old, on the street? Tildaโ€™s rotten teeth show she had been poorly cared for long before being left behind. But to throw her into an area like Karantina, where she could easily be killed by a pack of dogs, is beyond cruel.

Tilda is now recovering in an amazing foster home. She is taking great care of her. She has a warm bed (thank you to the donor who provided it), is eating well, has been dewormed, and has taken Nexgard. Unfortunately her foster mom can only keep Tilda till the end of January.
We desperately need to find Tilda a foster home. She cannot return to the shelter. She is already traumatized from her experience. Tilda is very calm, gentle, and good with everyone, including cats. She will not be a burden, and we will cover all her expenses. She is also potty trained.

We are also arranging physiotherapy for her. These sessions could greatly improve her mobility and comfort. We urgently need your help to pay her medical bills, which amount to $600, and to find her a new foster home. Tilda has been through so much, but she is sweet, affectionate, and deserves a safe and loving environment.