
  • Pet Name:Archie
  • Type:Dog
  • Sex:Male
  • Age:Baby
  • Size:Small
  • Color(s):Cream
  • Description:Archie was found near a garbage bin, skinny and dirty with severe anaemia.
    Archie had also a tilt in his head and body and had a lot of imbalance.
    We did an MRI and Archie's ears are infection-free, and there's no tumor in his head.
    His condition is called idiopathic, meaning its origin is a mystery. It's possible he's coping with past trauma or even poisoning.
    While we may never fully uncover Archie's past, he's now embraced love and safety with us.
    His head tilt and imbalance might fade in time, or they might not.
    So far Archie gained weight, is living in a paid foster home, and received all his vaccinations!
    Archie is an active dog, so sweet and loves to play with dogs and cats.
    Archie is not potty-trained.
  • Notes:Archie is happily adopted in Germany. You will not find him at the shelter, we just wanted to share his happy ending with you.