
  • Pet Name:Cotton
  • Type:Dog
  • Sex:Female
  • Age:Adult
  • Size:Large
  • Color(s):Cream
  • Description:Cotton is our crazy hyperactive bundle of joy.
    After being checked by our vet, we discovered that she underwent a surgery prior to being dumped. She had a broken pin in her leg, forcing her to undergo another critically dangerous operation to replace the pin and add bone grafts to her leg. We had to limit her movement for 3 months in order for her to heal properly. She is now running and jumping freely again!
    Cotton is a very active dog, she has energy for days and needs an adopter who can keep up the pace! She cannot stand staying still, especially after being forced to calm down due to her surgery.
    She is one of the dogs dumped by the “rescuer” who took them in and left them in an awful state. She is fully vaccinated and spayed.
    Cotton is cat, dog and human friendly and she is not territorial at all, a dream for every pet owner!
  • Notes:Cotton is happily adopted in France. You will not find her at the shelter, we just wanted to share her happy ending with you.