
  • Pet Name:Jovi
  • Type:Dog
  • Sex:Male
  • Age:Baby
  • Size:Small
  • Color(s):Orange
  • Description:Meet Jovi, a puppy who is in desperate need of help.
    Who is Jovi?
    Jovi is Nugget's brother, whom we rescued a month ago from a heartbreaking situation.
    They were 5 puppies. Only Jovi was found. The others, probably victims of abuse, have vanished.
    We wish we were able to save them all but we don't have the means nor the space.
    We found Jovi with cigarette butt burns like his brother Nugget and a broken leg.
    Jovi is anemic and this is mainly due from all the ticks found on his skin.
    Jovi's health is deteriorating rapidly, and he urgently needed a complex surgery called Partial Tarsal Arthrodesis to mend his THREE broken bones.
    Jovi had his surgery and it was successful. Unfortunately, we found that his front leg has a fracture too but it doesn't need a surgery thankfully.
    Jovi contracted also parvo and he fought like a champion.
    Jovi is finally healthy and he is available for adoption.
    Jovi is a medium size dog, he is friendly with all dogs, kids and adults.
    He needs to be tested with cats.
    Jovi has low to medium activity level.
    He is very good off leash and in recall.