
  • Pet Name:Tayson
  • Type:Dog
  • Sex:Male
  • Age:Senior
  • Size:Large
  • Color(s):Black and Tan
  • Description:Tayson is one of the first residents of APC. He was reported on social media and we found out he was roaming near the facility, emaciated and hairless. He has been on the streets for a while and has been feeding on trash, vomiting fries, plastic bags and other random items that should never be fed to a dog.
    He is now around 9 years old and is very friendly with people of all ages. Although pitbulls are believed to be aggressive, our Tayson is one of the friendliest dogs and he deserves to be with a family that will provide him with all the love and affection he deserves. He was unfortunately not raised to accept other dogs or cats, so he needs to be in a home with no other pets. He currently lives in his own suite, away from the other residents of the shelter.
    He is a perfect calm family dog who does not mind being bathed, brushed, he doesn’t even make a fuss when we brush his teeth and takes medication with no problem. He has a low to medium activity level and absolutely adores car rides and playtime.
    Tayson already had his rabies titre test, which allows him to travel to Europe whenever he finds his family.
    He is healthy, neutered and fully vaccinated.