Finally our baby boy Belly has been discharged from the hospital after spending two weeks being treated for FIP.

The vets were really shocked how he was able to breath all this time on the street.
Belly had low chance of survival and yet he MADE ITโœจโœจ

This should teach us not to give up on any case no matter how hard it is.
Spring is another miracle๐Ÿ˜Š

Belly has to continue the FIP treatment for another 66 days. We will have to give him an injection every day. We cannot skip one day.
Belly will be isolated until he finishes the treatment.

The cost of Bellyโ€™s treatment at the hospital amounted to USD 585.
We also paid 110$ for his medications.

Would you please help us close his bill๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป