After spending 3 weeks at the hospital and having daily injections for 80 days to treat wet FIP which is a fatal disease, Belly has OFFICIALLY completed his treatment and, most importantly, has HEALED. His recent test results came back NEGATIVE, marking a turning point in his battle against wet FIP.

The days of isolation are finally behind Belly, as he prepares to join the cat sanctuary where he can enjoy the company of his friends.

It’s truly unbelievable how far he has come since his rescue. When we first found him, his condition was dire, and we feared that he had only weeks left to live. But Belly, the brave survivor, the fighter, defied the odds and proved that with love, care, and determination, miracles can happen.

This experience has reinforced our belief in never giving up on any case. We continue to learn the importance of perseverance over time. Finally, we can share some heartwarming news amidst the challenges we faced since the beginning of the year.

Receiving Belly’s blood results was undoubtedly the highlight of our day. We want to express our deepest gratitude to everyone who generously donated to support Belly’s treatment. Your contributions made a significant difference and played a crucial role in his recovery.

If you wish to join us in our mission to make a difference in the lives of animals and support our ongoing cases, please consider donating.
Your help will enable us to make a positive impact on the lives of more animals in need.