
This helpless cat was left fighting for every breath he took as disease devoured his frail body and the frigid streets covered him with filth as he aimlessly roamed the roads of Beirut. We spotted Rio during our TNR program. Poor Rio never stood a chance alone in this world. As rain covered the ground,

Urgent Urgent Donations

Not the update you all wanted but sometimes things aren’t in our control. Fasfous isn’t doing well at all. Despite this, his spirit is still up. He has been on IV drip for the past 3 weeks. He stopped eating for almost two weeks. He is skin and bone, barely moving. He has constant diarrhoea


Fasfous is a 5 years old male cat who lives around APC and cherishes his freedom a lot. Fasfous had the same care as any other cat at APC but he was just not the type to feel enclosed in an area and we respected his wish. He was on time on his vaccinations, neutered,

Updates On Cleo

An MRI for Cleo has been performed. We were hoping to receive some good news but … … His ribs are shattered. His T12 and T18 vertebrae are totally damaged. No surgery can fix that 💔 Cleo is doomed to be paralysed for life. Yet the glow in his eyes is enough to light the

New Rescue

Ladies and Gentlemen, please meet Cleo 💔 We heard about many adopters – that look genuine – adopting puppies and ending up disappearing with the puppies. Those people would use the puppies as a bait during dog fights and food for the starved dogs. Cleo was one of those unfortunate puppies. Cleo was bit aggressively

Happy Updates

Pétale was a happy kitten whom we waited every day to feed with her family. One night, a driver decided to hit her – because why not? – and leave her lost and paralysed under the rain. Pétale had low chances of walking again but with a lot of faith, love and physiotherapy sessions with

Updates On Valentino

We are still having a hard time accepting the fact that our boy came to us to finally let his body rest forever… Whoever dumped you, we hope he is happy causing you all this suffering. After admitting our boy to the hospital, it was confirmed that he is suffering from a very aggressive virus

Meet Valentino

Our new rescue during Valentine. Valentino has been spotted by our volunteers tired and in pain. Valentino followed them everywhere begging them for help. But how could we say no to him. His head has a big rounded open wound and many cuts all over his body. It was the easiest rescue ever. Valentino just

Meet Petale

‘It doesn’t matter, she’s a cat’ – this is what the driver said when he ran over Pétale and we tried to stop him. Pétale is a 4 months old kitten whom we used to feed during our feeding programs in Beirut. Pétale was running to her food when this devil decided not to stop


This is how Shine was found: – 𝗙𝘂𝗹𝗹𝘆 𝗕𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗱 – Left eye was inexistent – Vision in right eye was lost due to infection When rescued, Shine had to undergo a surgery to sew shut her left eyelid. Her right eye stayed intact as it had no negative impact on her health. Unfortunately, Shine has