Blue & Roger

If you were following us lately, you would know that we had a huge fire last week and half of our sanctuary got burnt. Thankfully our residents had minor injuries. In addition, Paypal blocked our funds and savings for 180 days just because we were logging in from Lebanon – a country not supported by

Happy Adoption

Finally ONE good news during the month of January. Effie our little girl is finally with an amazing family that loved her since they laid their eyes on her. Effie was adopted previously with her brother Frankie but unfortunately they were returned to APC after a โ€˜suddenโ€™ allergy their previous mother contracted. Effie stayed almost


Ice who will be called Yukon just landed in Seattle safely and he is being fostered by the amazing @grasshoppergurl. Ice had a rough life in Lebanon. He became blind from an unknown infection, got bit by a dog and had to undergo a TPLO surgery and finally survived the fire that almost killed all

In Loving Memory Of Brownie

Our baby Brownie left us too soon๐Ÿ’” She fought with courage but her body failed her. Her temperature kept on dropping and in her last days she stopped eating. Vets were force feeding her๐Ÿ’” Despite the best efforts of our incredible vets, Brownie gently slipped away. Her time with us was short but she profoundly

We Will Rise Again

Today the cleaning started at 6:00 am, most of the dark residues were removed and all of yesterdayโ€™s tears are wiped and now our main focus is building everything again better. Our babies got showered and all of yesterdayโ€™s trauma was washed off. We are still in need of a lot of funds to build

Horrible Month For Apc

We donโ€™t even know where to begin. This has been a horrible month for APC. This year started with life knocking us down and every time we try to get back up another blow hits usโ€ฆ BUT this blow was the hardestโ€ฆ The year started by losing access to our PayPal account and all its


Peetsy is not one of our rescues but she needs an urgent surgery that will allow her to walk again. Peetsy is 8 months old. She fell unfortunately and broke her spine a week ago. She is currently hospitalized at @animed_vet_hospital Her family is unable to handle all her medical costs on their own and


Lyma was dumped by her previous family when she got pregnant and was left on the street lost and sad not knowing where to hide. A kind lady rescued her and the amazing @lynntraboulsi accepted to foster her until she delivers her baby safely in a warm house. Lymaโ€™s babies got all adopted and Lyma

Yushka & Ayka

This is the sad story of most of the dogs in Lebanon. Yushka – the mother – was dumped or maybe ran away from her breeder while she was pregnant. She delivered 5 beautiful puppies on the street. People were so disgust and annoyed by them that they threatened to kill them. Sadly 4 were

Recap 2022

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