Help Peter

We took Peter today to the vet to do his blood tests in order to keep track of how well he can manage his operation. Sadly, his blood tests showed severe anemia, as such we can not risk and proceed with his surgery in the meantime. In such cases, he may loose his life in

Help Needed Urgently

We have TWO urgent cases and we need your help to cover their monthly treatment. Since she was rescued, Ada is suffering from a chronic skin infection that is hitting hard on her ears. Ada is in constant pain. Though she underwent a cleaning surgery, Adaโ€™s ears didnโ€™t recover. She is still whining and crying

Please Read His Story

Humans were so cruel, you wonโ€™t believe what they did to this cat. โ€ผ๏ธ๐˜๐„๐’ ๐“๐‡๐„ ๐’๐“๐Ž๐‘๐˜ ๐ˆ๐’ ๐‘๐„๐€๐‹โ€ผ๏ธ We believe Jack was a home cat but then dumped on a very busy street in Beirut. Jack started to get sick and instead of people helping him, they poured hot car engine oil on him that

Junior Volunteers

With the help of our senior volunteerย @ribal_zeinounย , we organised volunteering sessions for our junior members ofย @alyarzleisureclubย . Among others, the main activities of those sessions are: – Cleaning in terms of washing the dishes, hoover, removing poop, moping the floor, etc. – Petting – Brushing – Recycling withย @alyarz_benevolent_association – Gardening (coming soon) The aim is to

Ada- Used For Breeding And Left To Die

The queen of the castle: our senior resident Ada! Ada is a senior German Shepherd we welcomed at our pet club after receiving multiple calls about her. She was used for many long years as a breeding machine and then got tossed to the streets skin and bones, sick and almost dying. Ada is currently

This Is Bella’s XRay

As you can see, her head and neck are still full of pellets. If you didnโ€™t check her video on our page, Bellaโ€™s eyes and ears were also full of pellets. We had to remove her eyes and as for her ears, the pellets bounced off her skin. Cruelty to animals is still beyond our