Celine was stepped on intentionally and kicked on the hip when she was only one month old.
Celine was unable to walk and her hip was totally misplaced.

After numerous physiotherapy sessions, Celine regained her ability to walk without needing surgeryโ™ฅ๏ธ

Sanfoura, found in a grocery shop where she faced mistreatment, also found her way to us.

We couldnโ€™t stand the thought of her being abused, so we welcomed her into our family.

The most heartwarming part?
They found a loving home TOGETHER๐Ÿช…

Thank you @100.ferdinand for recommending APC to this wonderful family.

Celine and Sanfoura now enjoy a life filled with love, plenty of space to explore, and endless pampering.

Seeing them sleep on their momโ€™s chest and play around the house brings us so much joy.

Thank you for giving these two lovely cats the chance they truly deserved.
Your decision to adopt has brought so much happinessโ™ฅ๏ธ