Floki was just another lab cat used so a โ€˜vetโ€™ can practice his barbaric skills.

For over a month, Floki suffered from extreme pain when the vet amputated her hand so bad that it caused an infection to her whole body.

Floki was removed from the street after being found on the street crying non stop.

Her hand was fully damaged and the vet decided to amputate it.

Floki came under our care after she was reported that she is not getting better.

Floki is suffering a lot. Her body is all infected and she is extremely dehydrated.
She also needs an amputation revision to correct the first surgery๐Ÿ’”

Floki is now at the hospital. She is being treated for her infections before proceeding with the surgery.

Her amputation revision surgery will cost 404.25$.
Her stay at the hospital will cost 30$ per night.