The saddest part of Garfield’s story is that we had hoped to find him a new and loving family, but now he will stay with us until the end of his life.

We wanted him to experience the joy of having a proper family, but we can no longer trust anyone to care for him as well as we do.

Garfield was adopted in 2020, but after two years with his so-called family, he was surrendered to us for no reason. He was clearly heartbroken and depressed, and despite our efforts to find him a foster or adoptive home, no one came forward.

When he arrived, we noticed that his coat was badly matted, likely due to poor quality food. We gave him a bath and ran some tests, but everything seemed normal. However, Garfield’s mood continued to worsen, and he became increasingly lethargic. We suspected depression, but more tests revealed that he had kidney failure, despite being only four years old.

We tried a renal diet with supplements, but his condition deteriorated rapidly.
He lost so much weight and he is becoming dehydrated.

It feels like we’re reliving the same nightmare all over again.

We are devastated.
We still didnโ€™t get over Jackโ€™s death. We can’t help but wonder if Garfield’s emotional pain contributed to his kidney failure.

We cannot help also but feel guilty for placing him with that family in the first place.

We spent almost $700 on his care, including renal supplements, treats, and food, as well as blood tests.

We will also have to take him to the hospital for weekly IV treatments to ensure he remains hydrated.