We feed many stray cats in our neighbourhood and one of them was Gildy.

Lately we felt that Gildy was not okay. She lost a bit of weight and she was barely eating.

Gildy was constantly scratching her ear. We thought it was only earmites and we were treating the infection on the street.

We woke up the next day to find Gildy laying down on the street not moving and barely breathing.

We rushed her to the hospital. Gildy was hit by a car and her tail got broken .

Gildy has 40% chance of becoming incontinent as the nerve that is connected between the tail and the anus got damaged.

Gildy is in so much pain. We had to sedate her to calm her and ease her pain.

Her ear got checked as well.
We were shocked to know that this wasnโ€™t a mild infection but a polyp.

Ear polyps are usually found in the younger cats.
They start growing in the middle ear cavity and with time they rupture the eardrum, and then continue to grow into the ear canal.

We couldnโ€™t believe the amount of pain Gildy was going through.

Gildy has to undergo TWO major surgeries.
The first surgery had to be done immediately. The more we waited the more her chances of becoming incontinent increase.

Tail trauma can cause damage to nerves higher up in the spinal cord that control urination and defecation.

The first surgery with hospitalisation has cost USD 570.

After she stabilises, Gildy will have to undergo a CT scan to see how deep the polyp is.

CT scan will cost USD 150.

Gildy will then undergo a SECOND surgery that is called Total Ear Canal Ablation and Bulla Osteotomy (TECA-BO).
This surgery involves the complete removal of the ear canal and tympanic bulla (middle ear), leaving only the ear flap (pinna) remaining.

The second surgery including CT scan will cost USD 925.

We URGENTLY need to fundraise for her surgeries. Every minute counts.

We count on you๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป