We are thrilled to share some wonderful progress about Nala. Thanks to the dedication of our amazing volunteers, like @tamarasaade_ , Nala has shown significant improvement.

Her hair has grown back beautifully, she’s getting healthier, and she’s gained some much-needed weight.

The best part? Nala has finally let us touch and pet her!

Although she is still a bit wary and not fully confident with us yet, we are overjoyed that she no longer growls or feels scared when we are near her.

She even had a playful moment, which made us so, so happy.

We understand that Nala still has a long road to recovery. She will need another test to check if the parasites are gone and a blood test to ensure she’s on the right track.

She also requires medicated baths to help her skin heal. We are taking things one step at a time, without pushing or pressuring her.

Our main goal is to make sure Nala is happy because she truly deserves it.

Thank you for your continued support!

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