Two months ago, Harvey was rescued under the most heartbreaking circumstances.
He was shot, lost his eye and burnt alive๐Ÿ’”

Harveyโ€™s recovery was further complicated by his FIV-positive status, necessitating a prolonged two-month stay in the hospital.

However, he has now bravely undergone his surgeries, including a double rotational flap procedure to repair the burned areas, eye enucleation, and neutering.

Harvey is now in recovery at the hospital. Although he is still in pain and requires painkillers and antibiotics, every day is a step toward healing.

He has a surgical drain placed on the wound to prevent bacteria from getting trapped under the skin after the area was closed.

He is truly a fighter, and we are hopeful for his continued recovery.

Thank you for your donations and support๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป