We have TWO urgent cases and we need your help to cover their monthly treatment.

Since she was rescued, Ada is suffering from a chronic skin infection that is hitting hard on her ears.

Ada is in constant pain.
Though she underwent a cleaning surgery, Adaโ€™s ears didnโ€™t recover.

She is still whining and crying all day from the pain of her ears.
Beside that, she is constantly scratching herself from the infection.

Ada needs a shower with a medical shampoo every 10 days for the first 6 months.

Her shampoo costs LBP 450,000.
She needs 1 bottle every 2 showers.

We switched to raw meat and we are adding supplements to her meals.

She eats 2 meals per day.
Each meal is LBP 20,000
Monthly expenses for food: LBP 1,240,000
Supplements (curcuma, hemp and CBD oils): USD 50

And finally she needs Nexgard pill every SINGLE month for life.
Each pill costs: USD 21


Tayson was rescued with a chronic allergy.
Every now and then, the allergy hits him hard and all his body gets inflamed to the point he starts removing his skin.

Tayson has a SIMILAR treatment as Ada and both needs Apoqel pills since it doesnโ€™t contain cortisone as Histamed.

Apoquel bottle with 100 pills costs: USD 300


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