Kira is a 3-year-old husky who has been chained for the past two years to an extremely short leash that left her unable to sit or lie down.
She spent all her time chained, living in the same spot where she had to pee and poop. She was never walked, never allowed to play, and never knew what it meant to be free.

She was used for breeding, her only purpose being to produce puppies. She is obese from lack of movement and has no idea how to let out her energy as a husky should.

When we came to rescue her, she was crying to be set free. The moment we unchained her, she knew she was saved. It was as if she finally felt what it means to be loved.

We had to pay $150 to secure her freedom, but it was worth every cent. Kira is now safe with us at APC. She tested positive for Ehrlichia, but otherwise, she is healthy. She will be spayed soon and finally get the care and love she deserves.

Kira is simply ADORABLE. She loves to play, jump, and exploreโ€”a true husky spirit shining through despite her past.

We need your help to provide for her basic needs, medical care, and spaying.
Please consider supporting Kiraโ€™s journey to a better life. Every little bit helps her leave her past behind and embrace her future.