โœ…Chained all his life
โœ…Maggots & ticks were eating him alive
โœ…Blood transfusion
โœ…Extremely skinny
โœ…Extremely emaciated
โœ…Leishmania positive
โœ…Leg trauma

Thats Lover roadmap since he was a puppy until he was rescued.
Lover is still leishmania positive.
Lover is no longer skinny and dehydrated.
Lover is extremely happy.
BUT his leg was causing him extreme pain.
We had to proceed with two combined surgeries when Lover was no longer able to step on his foot.

Today was Loverโ€™s surgeries.
He went inside the surgery room at 10 AM; left at 5:30 PM.

7 hours and a half inside the surgery room.

When his doctor opened him up he was shocked at what it was foundโ€ผ๏ธIt took FIVE different procedures (instead of two) to get Lover’s knee and leg bones stabilized in the proper position.

Lover had cruciate (cross-shaped ligaments), ligament rupture, meniscal injury & distal femoral varus.

Lover had NO cartilage, NO meniscus and HAD osteophytosis.

That’s an advanced stage of everything ๐Ÿ’”

We cannot understand how he was putting up with all this pain.
Unfortunately we couldnโ€™t proceed with the surgeries before as his health was not stable at all.

But we were not expecting FIVE surgeries. Thatโ€™s A LOTโ€ผ๏ธ

We donโ€™t know how much the combined five surgeries will cost now but we know that we need your help more than ever.
Lover is at the hospital and will stay for couple of days.
He will be restrained from moving for 40 days.

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No matter how little, it can still be helpful.