We met Milly today for the first time, we hugged her, kissed her and said goodbye to her๐ŸŒˆ

Who is Milly?

Milly is a stray dog that was hit by a car; by a reckless driver in front of us.
It took few seconds for Millyโ€™s world to turn upside down.

We rushed her to the hospital. She was in so much pain. She was so scared.

We wanted to tell her that she was safe. We wanted to reassure her that she will be happy with us BUTโ€ฆ

Her spine was totally broken. Every breath she took was extremely painful to her.
Euthanasia was the only answer.
Nothing could have done.

We know that we had to let her go๐Ÿ’”

We lost a soul from a reckless driver. He didnโ€™t bother to stop.

Yes we named her even if she stayed with us for a few hours. Her life counted.
From the moment we met her she became one of our residents; even for a few hours.
We will never forget those beautiful eyes. We will never forget how scared she was.
We tried to feed her some food before she crosses the rainbow bridge but even eating was painful to her.
So we just sat next to her, kissed her, loved her.
We hope she felt our love.

We really loved her even if our path crossed each other for a very short period of time.

Milly was so tiny. She was also very young.
Milly had a proper burial.
She is now resting next to Stormy, pain free.

You will always be in our mind Millyโ™ฅ๏ธ
We loved you so much.

Please stop driving irresponsibly.

God knows how many are suffering as we speak with no one to help them๐Ÿ’”