Our Three Seniors Need Your Help!

At our shelter, we are caring for three incredible senior dogs: Ada (14 years old), Brook (12 years old), and Tilda (10 years old). All three have suffered abuse and abandonment, but we are doing everything we can to give them a good quality of life. To help them stay mobile and pain-free, they go


We want to inform everyone that the lawsuit we filed at the police station regarding the massacre that took place in Karantina/Port de Beirut on February 3, 2025 is still ongoing. For the first time, individuals from the area have been brought in for investigation, and the case is being taken seriously. Due to legal

Update on our Three Latest Rescues

Brookโ€™s fever has finally dropped, and he is out of the hospital. Brook is a 12-year-old Golden Labrador who was found shivering on the streets for days, unable to eat or move. He has severely damaged teeth and a large abscess in his mouth, causing a terrible odor. He also struggles to walk and frequently

Brook Needs a Miracle – Please Help

Brook is a 12-year-old Golden Labrador who was found extremely depressed, shivering, unable to move, not eating, and not drinking. He was suffering alone in the cold, and we couldnโ€™t just leave him to die on the street. We asked for a foster home, but no one stepped in. So we had no choice but

Update On Balou

Balou was once a house cat, found on the street dragging his legs, still wearing a collar. After an MRI, we discovered he had suffered trauma, likely from a fall, causing minor vertebrae dislocation. While no surgery was possible, the condition isnโ€™t painful for him. Balou struggled a lot at the shelter. He was extremely

Update on Hummus

Hummus is doing well after her first surgery. Her stitches are healing nicely. Her second leg needs two toes amputated. We are taking her every two days to change her bandages. Hummus is the sweetest puppy weโ€™ve ever had. Her second surgery is planned for this week. We still havenโ€™t covered all her bills, so

Good News for Berlin!

Berlin was near death. He has severe pneumonia, and his skin is filled with trapped air, a condition called subcutaneous emphysema. The air sacs in his lungs are damaged, making it difficult for him to breathe๐Ÿ’” The teeth on his left side are completely damaged. His temperature was critically low at 34ยฐC for two days.