Ayka Happily Adopted

We are SO HAPPY to share the heartwarming story of Ayka, who found an incredible family in Lebanon for adoption. Typically, our dogs are sent overseas, leaving us with a heavy heart as we never get to see them again. However, this time is different. Two remarkable ladies fell in love with Ayka and initially


Taz, a 3 weeks old kitten, was rescued three days ago after being discovered motionless in the middle of the road. Taz was diagnosed with severe case of scabies, which had even affected his ears due to the presence of ear mites. We began bottle feeding him and initiated his scabies treatment. However, his fragile

Update On Peter’s Health

Peter’s health has been quite unpredictable. There are moments when he shows signs of improvement, and moments where setbacks occur. One of the major issues Peter faces is severe stomatitis, which has caused damage to his mouth cavity and gums. In addition, he has undergone surgeries to remove teeth and eyes. To manage his condition,

Finally Home In France

Charlie and Heartie have finally found a place to call home! It’s incredible news. These two cats were among the oldest residents at the sanctuary, and unfortunately, nobody showed interest in adopting them for quite some time. They spent nearly four years with us, and while they were content, we knew it was time for

Belly’s Successful FIP Treatment

After spending 3 weeks at the hospital and having daily injections for 80 days to treat wet FIP which is a fatal disease, Belly has OFFICIALLY completed his treatment and, most importantly, has HEALED. His recent test results came back NEGATIVE, marking a turning point in his battle against wet FIP. The days of isolation

Garfield Update

Despite our best efforts, Garfield remains unchanged and unhappy. His health hasn’t improved, and he barely eats unless we’re present. When left alone, he completely ignores his food. It feels like we’re running out of time and we are losing him. We are making sure to always be by his side and avoid leaving him


The saddest part of Garfield’s story is that we had hoped to find him a new and loving family, but now he will stay with us until the end of his life. We wanted him to experience the joy of having a proper family, but we can no longer trust anyone to care for him

We Are One Family

During the event at Orenda, we felt like a family, united and not alone in our struggles. It was comforting to know that we had support during our lowest moments. It was a terrible time losing our Paypal account and all our savings, and experiencing a devastating fire that almost destroyed our sanctuary. Although starting

Thank You

Despite facing numerous challenges that began at the start of the year, we are grateful to still be able to provide the highest level of care to our rescues. Thank you to each and every person who believed in us. Thank you to our supporters and followers🙏🏻

Lover Updates

Lover has been finally released from the hospital. He will still need to attend physiotherapy twice per week for 40 days as a start. His return to his foster home has brought both joy and heartache. Though he was ecstatic to see his caretaker again, being restrained and unable to move brought back painful memories