Update On Abby

Abby had her surgery. Chances of dying during the operation were high. We had to operate Abby immediately or her infections will lead to sepsis. Sepsis is a stage where all the body is infected and organs are no longer functioning properly. Abby’s blood white cells were extremely high that we had to take her


What this girl suffered is too hard to handle. First she suffered from a heartbreak when her owners waited until there was a big storm to dump her on the streets. While panicking not knowing how to navigate her way through the heavy traffic, a car hit her and left her to die on the

Goodbye Bubble

We didn’t have the chance to introduce Bubble on our page before and we feel bad about it💔 And now we lost Bubble… Bubble left us today😞 We had to euthanise him as he was in so much pain. Bubble was pulled cruelly many times by his tail causing him severe damage to his spine

And It’s Here!

Our 2023 calendar is out🎉 For 10$ you will help us buy food for our dogs, cats, rabbits, turtles and birds. We have never asked for food donations before but it has been a very tough year on us and this time we need your help. Our calendar features some of our current rescued dogs