Ada’s Update

Ada is out of the hospital ๐ŸŽŠ The good news is that there are no obstructions, BUT her inflamed gallbladder might need removal in a month if meds don’t help. Ada has also enteritis (severe inflammation in her intestine) and inflammation in her bladder. She’s off the vomiting, but her poop is still a concern.

Our Queen Isnt Feeling Her Best

Yesterday, Ada started with a little tummy trouble, but today has been a real struggle. It’s been a diarrhea disaster, and she even vomited her food๐Ÿ˜” Are we facing our nightmare again? Last year around this time, Ada went through two major surgeries because she swallowed toys. She had the same symptoms back then. Right

Guess Where Kiwi Is?

Remember last year when a supposed ‘rescuer’ heartlessly abandoned her sick, highly contagious, emaciated dogs on the streets? These poor souls had endured years of abuse, starvation, and neglect. Among them was Kiwi, who bore deep scars from her traumatic past. She spent her days staring at walls and hiding in corners, taking nearly seven

Django, Our Wonderful Deaf Cat!

Django started as the sweetest stray, running to people for play and cuddles. Over time, a constant head tilt and unresponsiveness to calls was noticed. A visit to the vet revealed that Django is deaf and his deafness may have been caused by a head injury or an ear infection. Deaf cats face challenges on

Support From @100.ferdinand

We were pleased to welcomeย @100.ferdinandย at our shelter, APC, for a heartwarming interview withย @reuters, bringing attention to the plight of animals in Lebanon and @100.ferdinand valuable assistance to shelters like APC. We’re excited to announce that this interview has been featured on numerous outlets, including @bbcnews and others! We can’t thankย @100.ferdinand enough for their support. ๐Ÿ“ธ:

Nugget- New Rescue

We discovered these tiny pups under the trash bin. They’ve become a part of our routine, getting fed whenever we cross paths. Started with 5 pups, ended up with 3. We donโ€™t know what happened to the other two but we just hope they are okay. One day, we witnessed someone cruelly throwing liquid at

Send Love To Gypsy

Our Gypsy is facing a challenging battle, and we’re standing by her side, fighting for her life. When Gypsy came into our care, she was suffering from severe anemia and infections. Although her anemia showed signs of improvement within a week, fate took another turn as she contracted the flu with her immune system already

Archie’s MRI Update

Remember little Archie, the 7-month-old bichon? He was found near a garbage bin, skinny and dirty with severe anaemia. Archie had also a tilt in his head and body and had a lot of imbalance. We did an MRI and we’ve got some positive news to share. Archie’s ears are infection-free, and there’s no tumor

Update Peter’s Journey!

Peter has been through a lot lately, and we wanted to give you an update on his health. Some days he’s feeling great, like riding a rollercoaster, and other days he’s not doing so well. As a reminder, Peter has been dealing with a tough stomatitis condition that affected his mouth and gums. He’s already

Urgent Call For Donations!

Remember Ruby: a survivor of a devastating accident. Left to suffer on the roadside for days, her injuries were so severe that amputation seemed inevitable for her front and back leg. Against all odds, we managed to save them. The metal hardware in her front leg has already been removed. Tomorrow, Ruby faces another crucial