
They kicked her in the eye. Her only mistake was being sweet, sociable and cuddly. So they kicked her in the eye. Who? We will never know.. Nouga was a gentle cat who gave birth to 3 beautiful kittens. 2 disappeared and one got adopted. We kept feeding the mother with the other stray cats

The Ship Has Lost Its Captain

We knew this will happen one day.. We were prepared mentally. We were never prepared emotionally. Such a resilient cat.. he fought a lot. He went through a lot, has been abused many times. Watching him dying so slowly, losing weight, barely able to walk was unbearable. 4 April 2023 at 17:17 was the last

Our Captain Jack

We might not have any captain soonโ€ฆ Jack is not doing well. He stopped eating. He vomited. This is the first timeโ€ฆ Jack suffers from kidney failure. Jack lost all his teeth. Jack has chronic stomatitis. Jack lost his eye. We know the big decision is coming soon. We know 2023 will be most probably


He was left with Gaรฏa Fodoulian Association at the age of 14โ€ฆ He never stopped crying and turning around himself๐Ÿ’” Whether he was dumped or not, we will not go into such details. What we know is that this poor dog is in a heartbreaking condition due to a long time neglect and he needs


Love is a 3 months old kitten that was found all alone in a dark alley and in horrible condition. Her eyes were severely infected she couldnโ€™t open them and she was dragging her leg. No one knows what actually happened to her, whether someone abused her or she hurt herself. All we knew is

Happy Adoption For Penny

Penny found her way to APC, chose herself a spot and made sure to make us fall in love with her. But it was not only us who fell in love with her but also a very kind lady @claudinetuffin who lives in France; through the help of @gamellessansfrontiere Penny used to get beaten up


After spending one week and a half at the hospital not knowing if she will make it or not, Spring made it alive and out of the hospital๐Ÿƒ Spring was suffering with 3 dead unborn kittens for more than 2 weeks. She was bleeding a lot and no one cared to help. She arrived to

Belly Is Out

Finally our baby boy Belly has been discharged from the hospital after spending two weeks being treated for FIP. The vets were really shocked how he was able to breath all this time on the street. Belly had low chance of survival and yet he MADE ITโœจโœจ This should teach us not to give up