Update On Poochie

Poochie is a Scottish Fold cat that was bought from an unethical breeder and has had severe breathing problems. Poochie finally had surgery to help her breathe better. The good news is the surgery was successful! The surgeon widened her airways to help her inhale more easily and prevent her from choking on food. While

Step Together Association School Visit!

We are excited to share that @steptogetherlo, a wondertul school for special needs children, visited APC recently. Step Together Association supports kids with physical disabilities, Down syndrome, and other challenges, integrating them into classes with “regular” kids. This inclusive approach is unique in Lebanon, with @steptogetherlb leading the way. During their visit, the students had

Cancer Is Eating Sousou’s Body!

Sousou is a stray cat that we’ve been caring for over the past five years through our feeding program. During this time, we’ve spayed, vaccinated, dewormed, and treated her for any medical issues. Recently, Sousou went missing for a whole week, causing us great concern. After a frantic search, we found her hiding in a

Poochie: A Victim Of Unethical Breeding

Poochie is a 7-month-old female Scottish Fold who suffered from severe health issues due to unethical breeding practices. Purchased from a breeder more focused on profit than animal welfare, Poochie faced significant respiratory problems from birth. Scottish Folds, known for their distinctive folded ears, often suffer from genetic conditions that cause them significant pain and

Today’s Story Is About Sunny

Sunny is a 7-month-old kitten who, unfortunately, is one of the many cats at APC who hasn’t been introduced on our social media yet. But today, we are changing that! Sunny’s story began on a stormy day when we found him with his mother and five siblings on the street right next to APC. They