Fasfous is dying by the day.
Our heart is shattered into pieces.

We tried everything: antibiotics, cortisone, injectionsโ€ฆ
But nothing helped๐Ÿ˜ž

Fasfous is literarly dying.
His IBD is so severe that he is not accepting any food.
Force feeding is even not doing any good.

Fasfous lost another kilo.
He is 2 kilos currently.

Fasfous was diagnosed with IBD and not FIP.
We decided to start the FIP treatment and give it a try.
This treatment might either kill him at any moment or help him.

We decided to try it – we have nothing to lose.
Fasfous had his second dose of the treamtent today.
He is very tiredโ€ฆ

We really need badly your help.
Fasfousโ€™ treatment involves having one vial of remdisivir everyday.

One vial is for 25$
He needs 80 vials if he makes it till the end.

We only bought so far 10 vials for 10 days.

This is our last hopeless hope.
We really need every support.

We paid so far 250$ (25$*10).
IF he survives the first 5 days, we will need to buy the other 70 vials.
He cannot skip any.

Total cost for Fasfous will be 2000$.
We cannot afford this at ALL.

We donโ€™t want the financial part be the reason Fasfous dies in case his body reacts well to the treatment.

Please help๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป