Penny came to APC inviting herself without our consent. She was wagging her tail, begging for attention and extremely hungry.
She didnโ€™t give us the choice to say yes or noโ€ผ๏ธ
We called her Penny.
Penny is a golden retriever mix and she chose to be our new resident at APC.
We took her the next day to the vet and thankfully everything was good.
Her blood tests were perfect and she didnโ€™t have any internal parasites. She tested negative in all rapid tests.
Unfortunately we noticed that everytime we touch Pennyโ€™s head or mouth, she starts shivering and moaning.
We did the thyroid and electrolyte tests as well and the results were good.
Apparently Penny has something called Tourette Syndrome. it is a nervous tic caused by a past trauma.
Penny has two missing teeth as well.
We assume that her previous guardians used to beat her on the face and mouth. Thatโ€™s why she developed this nervous tic๐Ÿ˜”
She also hides her head whenever we abruptly move around her.

Pennyโ€™s tests cost 300$.
She also took deworming and nexgard.
Cost: 16$

We also noticed a big tartar on her teeth.
She needs urgently a teeth scaling, spaying & vaccination. This will cost 184$.

Her appointment is on Monday.
Would you help us cover her bill?

We need a total of 500$.