
  • Pet Name:Dolcie
  • Type:Cat
  • Sex:Female
  • Age:Adult
  • Size:Medium
  • Color(s):Black and white
  • Description:Dolcie has been through a lot. She endured four surgeries after being thrown from a high building, suffering a hole inside her mouth. She also battled kidney failure and FIP, receiving treatment for 84 days with daily injections and thrice-weekly hospital visits for IV.
    But we have amazing news: Dolci is finally FIP negative, and her kidneys are functioning again! Although she still has kidney disease, her creatinine levels have significantly improved.
    She now visits the hospital twice a week for IV and receives daily IV injections and weekly nebulizer sessions AT APC.
    Each hospital visit costs $30. If you can sponsor one IV session, it would be a huge help!
  • Notes:Dolcie crossed the rainbow bridge. We hope she is happy and running around freely. We will never forget you Dolcie.