
  • Pet Name:Frida
  • Type:Dog
  • Sex:Female
  • Age:Junior
  • Size:Medium
  • Color(s):White, Black and Grey
  • Description:Frida was found unable to move, screaming in pain from multiple wounds around her neck.ย 
    We took her to the hospital and was put immediately on morphine to manage her extreme pain, which was so severe. She was not able to move.
    Yet, she managed to wag her tail when we approached, as if she knew we were there to help.
    Our initial tests show no parasites, but she might be battling scabies.
    Despite the brutal attack, thankfully, she has no internal bleeding. However, the X-rays revealed fractures around her neck, and both her scapulas are completely crushed.
    Additionally, an echogram showed bones stuck in her stomach and impacted feces.
    At nearly two months old, her condition was very critical.
    Her CT scan showed that her: - Left scapula will heal without surgery, thanks to fractures that do not require surgical intervention.
    - โ Neckโ€™s articular process fracture remains stable, without any spinal compression - meaning that the fracture around her neck hasnโ€™t worsened or shifted in a way that could endanger her spinal cord or cause additional complications.
    - Right scapula was severely damaged and will need surgical repair.
    Frida finally had her surgery, which took 3 hours to complete.
    During the operation, an incision was made to reach the scapula, and as the picture shows, there was severe redness indicating a severe infection.
    Her surgeon used compressed gentamicin to address the infection, thoroughly cleaned the area, and placed a plaque to restore her right scapula.
    Frida had her stitches removed and recovered well after surgery.
    She can now run, play and enjoy her time with the rest of the residents.
  • Notes:Frida is happily adopted in France. You will not find her at the shelter, we just wanted to share her happy ending with you.