
  • Pet Name:Pรฉtale
  • Type:Cat
  • Sex:Female
  • Age:Adult
  • Size:Small
  • Color(s):White and Ginger
  • Description:Pรฉtale was one of cats our volunteers fed every day in the Sodeco area. She was hit by a car when she was around 2 to 3 months old. We rescued her on time, so she was able to walk again. However, she lost the ability to go to the litter box on her own, so we had to express her manually three times a day. We tried everything to give her back the ability to urinate and defecate on her own, but even with tests and intensive physiotherapy, it was not possible for her to do so. Fortunately, she was able to gain her mobility back and to walk on her own.
    She is pretty shy, but gets very cuddly and affectionate once she gets used to the person. She tends to run away at first, but will come closer with time and play with you.
    Pรฉtale and Sasha were very close, they were attached to the hip; so we decided to send them both abroad to live at Suncatcher Sanctuary, in the US.
    If you are interested in adopting or meeting her, you can contact Suncatcher Sanctuary
    She is healthy, spayed, fully vaccinated and FIV negative.
  • Notes:This cat is fostered in Phoenix, AZ, USA. You will not find her at APC. If you would like to adopt her, please contact Suncatcher Sanctuary (