
  • Pet Name:Tofu
  • Type:Cat
  • Sex:Male
  • Size:Small
  • Color(s):Angora White
  • Description:Tofu was dumped a year and a half ago. He was fed daily by APC volunteers, before she disappeared for a while and reappeared in another area. He was hanging around trash and was in a very bad condition. He started having fungus and lost his fur, so we decided to rescue him because he would not make it on the street.
    When we took him in, we had to shave off his hair; he was treated for fungus and isolated in order to heal. He is a lap cat once he gets used to the person and gets attached to them. He is not the kind of cat to run towards you as soon as you enter the facility, we find him very classy, calm and elegant.
    Tofu is not the kind of cat to make a mess and doesnโ€™t appreciate living around so many other cats. He is not aggressive but tends to hiss on other cats when they get too close to him.
    He is now doing much better, he is healthy, neutered, fully vaccinated and FIV negative.
  • Notes:Tofu is happily adopted in France. You will not find him at the shelter, we just wanted to share his happy ending with you.