For months poor Peter was grasping for air.

The only thing that keeps all creatures alive was robbed from Peter.

It is all because heโ€™s been suffering for months on the streets.
Peter was reported to us back in June and we pledged to take him under our care 2 months ago.

After struggling for 2 months to catch him, Peter gave up and let us caught him.

Weโ€™re so thankful he did because the vets were very shocked how Peter was still alive.
Peter is suffering from calici virus, stomatitis, severe anaemia and dehydration.

Peter will need an eye enucleation surgery, a teeth extraction surgery and a long treatment of antibiotics.
He is currently at the hospital and he is surely not leaving anytime soon๐Ÿ’”
We are still running blood tests on Peter as we are scared that he might be suffering from kidney failure.
We will also test him for FIV.

When we decided to take Peter 2 months ago, we definitely werenโ€™t this pressured like we are right now. With TWO emergency surgeries that totaled to 3,000$ – one that is still not funded – and more than 5 open cases, we will definitely not be able to cover his expenses.

Cotton, Rainbow, Ice, Caramel, Blue, Jack, Penny (still not posted on ig), Gildy, Cleo & FIV tests for our cats are open cases that were not accounted when we promised to take Peter.