Declawing a cat means cutting the tip of his fingers off which leaves the cat unable to walk for awhile and then the cat has to learn how to be โ€˜normalโ€™ again.

Among many important facts, cats use their claws to stretch their muscles.

But many people do this extremely painful process because they do not want their fancy house to get ruined. And we wish we can know which heartless vet agreed to do this barbaric procedure.

We just canโ€™t understand the cruelty behind declawing cats and then dumping them on the streets..

This is the story of Simone.
Simone was part of our TNR program but unfortunately tested FIV positive and we couldnโ€™t return him to the streets.

We just canโ€™t believe the horrible painful past he had to live because of his heartless previous guardians.

To test positive for FIV means that this poor boy suffered severe bullying by feral cats and severe deep bites.
Having no claws made him an easy prey as Simone could not defend himself.
We just canโ€™t believe the pain heโ€™s been handling all this time๐Ÿ’”
Also contracting FIV means Simone has a weak immunity system.
With a weak immune system, Simone has a higher risk of experiencing frequent infections and eventually die on the street๐Ÿ’”

We have been feeding Simone for almost 5 months. We made sure to gain his trust so we can catch him and neuter him.

We didnโ€™t realise he was declawed until he tested positive for FIV and we decided to keep him at APC.
So when we wanted to cut his nails we were shocked that he had no nails at all๐Ÿ’”

Simone is very sad.
Simone is very lost. He has been hiding since he came to APC.
We wish we can reassure him that he is finally safe and no one will hurt him anymore๐Ÿ˜”

Many cats had and will have this cruel fate like Simone.

We just pray that people can start adopt again so we can remove the weak and fragile cats off the streets.

We will start posting our cats one after another everyday. Help us by sharing. Our cats can travel anywhere in the world.

You can also help us by supporting our TNR program. We will try to castrate dogs & cats anywhere in Lebanon.
The more funds we have the more we can help other people to castrate their cats & dogs.