We are heartbroken to share the story of Arya, a two-month-old puppy who has suffered unimaginable cruelty. Found in the Karantina district, an area we are dedicated to improving for our four-legged friends, Arya’s cries for help could not be ignored. Her mother was beside her, barking desperately to draw attention to her injured pup.

Upon discovering Arya, we rushed her to the hospital, where we learned the devastating truth: she had been stabbed multiple times and is now fighting for her life in a critical condition.
Arya’s breathing remains unstable, which has delayed further testing. She also endured a high fever after being under the sun for too long, though thankfully, her fever has slightly dropped. However, she is still feverish, and we are anxiously awaiting her blood test results. On a positive note, her sugar levels are stable.

This incident has shocked us! How can anyone inflict such harm on an innocent soul?
As we continue to battle for Arya, we also face financial challenges with pending surgeries for our other rescues, Ember and Tuk-Tuk.

We’ve raised only a small fraction of the needed funds💔

We need YOUR HELP‼️

Your support can bring hope and healing to Arya and many others like her. Any contribution, big or small, helps.

Please consider donating to help us cover their medical expenses.

Donate, share, and support🙏