We tried our very best, but we couldn’t ease Tiger’s pain.
Today, he has crossed the rainbow bridge๐ŸŒˆ

Was he happy? We can’t say.
Did he feel our love? We hope so.
What we do know is that we never left his side๐Ÿ’”

Every moment, we were there.
We offered him all kinds of delicious food, showered him with kisses and hugs.
We held his paw until he closed his eyes and crossed the rainbow bridge.

Our hearts ache.
Tiger’s spine was beyond repair, no surgery or therapy could save him.

He was in constant pain, so we made the difficult choice to end his suffering.

Sadly, his spine was further damaged by being dragged by a motorcycle.

Why would someone do that to a defenseless, paralyzed dog?

Tiger couldn’t move, except for his head.

Despite the pain and fever, he never lost his trust in us. He let us pet him without a growl๐Ÿ’”

We hope he felt safe and loved in his final moments.

Tiger received a proper and loving burial.

He now rests…