While feeding the dogs in Karantina, we discovered three new puppies left in the area.

One of the puppies, now named Tayko, looked very weak, sitting alone & looking unwell. He was so thin. At first, we worried he might have Parvo, but he had appetite so we felt a bit relieved. However, we quickly noticed that his breathing was very fast, which was not normal.

X-rays have revealed that Tayko has a diaphragmatic hernia. This means his diaphragmโ€”the muscle that separates the chest from the abdomenโ€”is torn, allowing his abdominal organs to press into his chest cavity, which affects his breathing and is potentially life-threatening.

This tear has allowed organs like the liver, stomach, and intestines to move into the chest area, obstructing the view of his heart. This is why his heart could not be clearly seen on the X-ray or echocardiogram.

The vet explained that this type of injury is often caused by severe trauma, such as being kicked by someone or hit by a car. However, we know that if Tayko had been hit by a car, he would likely have died immediately, as mainly trucks pass through the area, and he wouldnโ€™t have survived such an impact.

Itโ€™s heartbreaking that, even amidst all that is happening, someone could still be cruel enough to harm a defenseless puppy. With the war in Lebanon, we had hoped people would find compassion. Despite the suffering and loss we endure daily, some still show no mercy, taking their anger out on helpless animals.

Tayko is only about six weeks old and is now in the hospital under close monitoring. His surgery is scheduled for next week, but we need to stabilize him first, as he is very fragile. We want to make sure he is strong enough for surgery to avoid any risks under anesthesia.

Unfortunately, we are unable to take in the other two puppies. We have recently rescued 35 new animals from the war zones. We have reached our maximum capacity at the shelter, both in terms of space and finances. Tayko deserves a chance to heal, free from suffering and trauma. Will you please consider donating to his case๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป