After surviving a fall that left her paralyzed, Julia was neglected by her previous family.

Instead of immediately taking her to the hospital, Juliaโ€™s previous family left her suffering alone until they finally brought her to the vet. By then, it was too late for any treatment, and they decided to euthanize her.

Thatโ€™s when we stepped in to give her the care she desperately needed.

Fast forward to today, Julia underwent an MRI.

Our surgeon explained there was no chance of her walking again, but we insisted on the MRI, clinging to a 1% hope that perhaps something could be done, like surgery.

Unfortunately, the surgeonโ€™s initial assessment was confirmed. Shockingly for both the surgeon and us, Juliaโ€™s spine is completely severed; she has no spinal cord.

It is shocking that she is still aliveโ€”typically, animals in such condition canโ€™t even lift their heads or crawl. Yet, Julia is behaving normally.
It is truly a miracle!

Julia has also been spayed and vaccinated.

We express her bladder three times daily and meticulously clean her to prevent UTIs or skin infections from urine burns.

This is the ongoing case with Julia.
Sadly, she will never walk again, but she is one of the most amazing cats we have ever encountered.

She is receiving all the love she needs from our dedicated APC volunteers and we really hope someone would adopt this miracle cat.

Currently, we are short $100 for Juliaโ€™s MRI, which cost $400 in total. Weโ€™ve managed to raise $300 so far and need just $100 more. Could you help us reach our goal?

Thank you to all our APC volunteers and supporters who make stories like Juliaโ€™s possible.
Letโ€™s keep the miracles coming!