Peter has been through a lot lately, and we wanted to give you an update on his health.

Some days he’s feeling great, like riding a rollercoaster, and other days he’s not doing so well.

As a reminder, Peter has been dealing with a tough stomatitis condition that affected his mouth and gums.

He’s already had surgeries to remove some teeth and one eye.
He recently had a rhinoscopy too, to help with his breathing.

For a while, he was stable, but now he’s facing some challenges again. He’s drooling a lot, not eating much, and feeling dehydrate
We took him to the vet, and they found severe inflammation in his gums. They recommended removing his remaining teeth and neutering him to help him feel better.

The upcoming surgery for his teeth and neutering is scheduled for TOMORROW with Ruby. The cost for this procedure is $200.

We’re reaching out to our amazing community for support during this time.
If you can, please check the link in our bio to help us cover Peter’s surgery.
Every little bit makes a difference in his recovery journey๐Ÿ™โค๏ธ
Thank you for being there for Peter!