Lollipop finally had his bandage removed! His pins are perfectly in place, and he is still safe in his foster home. We couldnโ€™t be happier.
Lollipop is a war victim. An explosion went off next to the building he was near, and he jumped in terror, breaking his jaw and all his toes. He needed a six-hour surgery with plates in his jaw and pins and plates in his toes.

Ash is another war victim. She was close to an airstrike, and her mouth and skin on her jaw were burned. Her jaw was also dislocated. Ash had to go through two urgent surgeries. She has now left the hospital and is recovering at APC. Her journey to full recovery is still long, but at least she is no longer in pain.

Bucky, a victim of abandonment, was left in Karantina. Sadly, as just a puppy, he was attacked by a pack of dogs, leaving him covered in scars and wounds on his face and body. Bucky left the hospital after being neutered and is now on antibiotics. He has joined Milou, another war victim, who doesnโ€™t leave his side and is always jumping around him. Bucky is showing his sweet and patient side through it all.

Odinโ€”another war victimโ€”has his health a bit more stable, though we havenโ€™t reached the minimum hematocrit level needed yet.
Thankfully, his blood levels didnโ€™t drop as much this timeโ€”his last test showed a level of 29, then it dropped to 22, but it didnโ€™t fall to 15 like before. He had his first chemotherapy session, and we are praying there wonโ€™t be any side effects.

We hope the treatment makes him stronger and helps control the fluid around his chest and heart. Right now, surgery isnโ€™t an option because heโ€™s still too weak, and he might not survive anesthesia.

Please keep Odin in your thoughts. We are incredibly grateful to @jeandib89 , for helping us secure 10 vials of chemotherapy. These were out of stock in Lebanon due to the war, and because of him, we were able to start Odinโ€™s treatment before his health gets worse.
Odin will be closely monitored at the hospital to see how he responds to the chemo.
Thank you to everyone for your support.

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