Jovi underwent successful surgery for three fractures in his back leg and was also found to have a recent front leg fracture, likely from a fall💔
Jovi is still at the hospital and we will be visiting him in few.
The level of resilience Jovi shows is amazing!
He endured potential trauma, suffered leg fractures, had cigarette burns, survived parvo, and now faces another leg fracture💔
The front leg fracture will be monitored for two weeks, with a bandage applied. After this period, the surgeon will evaluate whether surgery is necessary, although it’s likely that surgery won’t be required.
Ada, 13 years old, who suddenly stopped moving 💔 is responding positively to anti-inflammatory medication for her cauda equina compression.
Our neurologist recommended delaying the MRI due to her age. If her current anti-inflammatory treatment stops being effective, we’ll move forward with MRI & surgery.
We still need to get Ada a stroller for better mobility and plan to start her on physiotherapy, with ultrasound sessions to alleviate her pain.
We managed to raise $100 for Ada’s MRI.
The amount will be used for her therapy. Each session is for $25. We now have 4 sessions covered.
However, Jovi’s surgery costs more than expected, and he was also neutered during the procedure.
We’re awaiting the final invoice, but we’re still working to raise $900 for Jovi’s expenses. Any support is greatly appreciated!
Your support means a lot 🙏🏻
Thank you for your generosity and care for Jovi and Ada!