1- Adaโ€™s gallbladder is very inflamed. She will take antibiotics and have a change of food.
Also, since we rescued her, and Ada suffers from chronic skin infection that affects her ears. Her ears are currently full of pus, and she will need a cleaning surgery because she experiences severe pain when we try to clean them.
Since she will be sedated, we will also do a teeth scaling to prevent any future abscesses, especially since she is in good health now.
Adaโ€™s surgery will cost $300 + $175 (checkups) = total of $475 to raise.

2- Brookโ€™s CT scan results came back from Europe. Thankfully, all his nodules are benign. We are still missing $635.

3- Tilda has 3 tumours probably aggressive๐Ÿ’” This is a devastating news for us. She needs to do a CT scan TODAY to determine if the tumor has metastasized. We need to raise $350 TODAY to cover the cost.

Tilda also lives in a paid foster home, and we pay $150 per month for her care. We are stretched too thin and desperately need support. If you can help with this expense, it would mean the world to us and to Tilda๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ™

4- Additionally we have received ZERO donations for their physiotherapy & hydrotherapy sessions, which cost $45 per session every week for each dog. This is a total of $540 per month.

Apparently, senior dogs are not a priority for many people; otherwise, we would have received donations for Tilda, Ada, and Brook.

Please help our senior dogs. We wonโ€™t give up on them, and neither should you. Every contribution makes a difference! ๐Ÿ™