Pouna was found helpless on the street, breathing so slowly, skin and bone with an inflamed eye.

We thought at one point that she was dead..

We took her immediately to the vet.

Punaโ€™s suffering is caused by a malicious act, a vicious โ€˜personโ€™ beat her up: her tail got broken, her teeth fell off from one side, her hand, her eye, her lungs.
She was suffering all over her body.

We really cannot understand how could anyone commit such actsโ€ผ๏ธ

Pouna was not eating at all.
Her blood test showed low platelet level but there were no infections.

She is currently undergoing a treatment along with several shots to increase her platelet level.

Pouna will always breath heavily from the kick on her lungs.
We cannot do much for her broken tail as it healed.

But since the vertebrae of her tail grew in wrong, it resulted in a permanent kink.
Her eye and gum are being treated.

Pouna is under a high protein diet.
She cannot eat solid food.
We are mashing her food and mixing it with vitamins.

We need your help with Pounaโ€™s treatment and diet food.

We already paid 50$ for her blood test and she needs another one after a month to monitor her platelet level.

Her treatment costs us so far 30$ + food 40$

Pouna is the sweetest cat we ever met.
She is so calm.
She needs a foster house so she can recover slowly and quietly.

We need to spay her (40$) and vaccinate her (25$) in the near future as well.