If they only unchained him and left him for his fate๐Ÿ’” Killer is what they named him while they were slowly torturing him everyday. His body was all rotten.. Worms were eating his insides while the fleas and ticks were draining his blood. They saw him fading away everyday and didnโ€™t even flinch.. Any human being with a heart or a little bit of humanity left wouldโ€™ve unchained him just so he can survive on his own. But this family didnโ€™t.. We canโ€™t imagine the life he has lived but we are praying so hard that he survives, he is in an extremely critical condition and his survival is not promised. We canโ€™t imagine him dying and not seeing him happy at least once in his life. He is Leishmania positive meaning the medication has to be bought from Europe and they cost 800$ + he was admitted to the hospital today and he needed an immediate blood transfusion. Please help us get him the care he needs๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป